
Harvest and Logistics Optimisation – Oil Palm

Harvest and Logistics Optimisation - Oil PalmOur computational modelling has been used to improve the efficiency of the palm oil harvest - directing collection trucks to ensure that as much ripe fruit is extracted, as freshly as possibleChallenge Oil palm is grown on large plantations of hundreds or even thousands of hectares in size, fruits constantly, and must be harvested
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Assessing tea productivity and yield

Assessing tea productivity and yieldSatellite analysis allowed Sensonomic to easily identify poorly-performing areas of a plantationChallenge The earlier you can spot a problem in your crop, be it drought, disease or pests, the quicker and cheaper it is to remedy it. However, spotting issues over a large area of a tea plantation is not easy to do by hand. Plants
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Facilitating access to credit for smallholders

Facilitating Access to Credit for SmallholdersOur system can reduce information asymmetry and provide confidence to financial service providers to open up credit to smallholder farmersChallenge In agriculture, where large upfront costs are required for a one-off payoff at harvest, credit is key to improving operations. In order to be able to improve yields, credit is needed for better seed, fertilisers,
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Enabling Insurance for Smallholder Farmers

Enabling Insurance for Smallholder FarmersReducing information asymmetries to develop neglected agricultural insurance marketsChallenge Agricultural insurance is widely available to western farmers, allowing them to be supported in the event of a poor yielding year, and also providing a structure to discourage risky or particularly unsustainable behaviours. However, in developing countries the agricultural insurance market is poorly developed, leaving farmers and
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Optimising infrastructure investment for food production

Optimising infrastructure investment for food productionSensonomic helped IFAD target investment in Senegal efficiently by modelling future impactsChallenge Planting and harvest for some of Senegal’s most important crops coincides with the end of the rainy season, and rain and poor roads make transport of agricultural inputs like fertiliser a logistical challenge. Infrastructure investments can mitigate flooding and increase output, but funding
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Mapping Marine Habitats From Space

Mapping marine habitats from space Sensonomic processed satellite imagery to identify seagrass beds so that they could be protected from developmentChallenge Our client, a large oil major, wanted to minimise their impact on coastal ecosystems in two of the areas where they operate, the Niger delta in Nigeria, and Florida in the USA. However, mapping marine habitats often involves costly
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Identification of smallholder oil palm plantations

Identification of smallholder oil palm plantationsSensonomic identified smallholder palm oil plantations from satellite imagery with a 93% accuracy, and then conducted an analysis to identify which of the smallholders were investible.Challenge Our client wanted to validate their assumptions on the potential availability of organically grown palm oil from smallholder plantations in Ghana. They had an approximation, developed from local knowledge,
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