Founders Thoughts


Value drivers for operations and land assets

How technology can align incentives for producers, investors, and society Technology can only take you so far. Investors play a crucial role in making land assets more valuable over time. Land assets can provide both annual cash flow from agricultural production, and asset value increase over time. The asset typically increases in value due to limited supply, or through having

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Climate Economics and Agritech

The 2018 ‘Nobel prize in Economics’ was given to climate economists William D. Nordhaus and Paul Romer. Sometimes criticized by contemporary economists the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences’ decision provided vindication for two researchers who for nearly 50 years have understood that our models for economic development have not properly accounted for the cost of pollution.   A very abridged

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Looking forward to 2019

As the new year begins, I have been taking a little time to look around at what we have achieved, and what we aim to achieve this year. Taking stock and looking forward is necessary as a growing and ambitious business – but it is not always easy to find the time. As soon as an opportunity arises the natural

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Enough time for change?

Anders Gundersen, our founder and CEO, reflects on the challenge of staying on top of things whilst staking out the course for the long run. It is no uncommon situation for business owners, leaders and managers. The one where you have to both look at the very short term tasks such as paying our amazing employees on time, writing up

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